Sunday, February 22, 2009

hope you stay healthy

not sure where it came from, but the sick infestation is going through the house this week. it first started after dancing the other night. ryane barfed all over the floor after the other kids left out of the room. she freaked out, and i just was in awe of what happened b/c there were no signs what so ever of her becoming sick. so, i immediately grabbed one of my shelves off of the bookcase, and handed it to my dance mom/adult dancer tammy, and she took over ryane while i cleaned the monstrosity of apples/puke. she(ryane) then proceeded to expell in the container while i cleaned. but, "she wasn't sick." she proclaimed that over and over. at any rate, we got home, she was asleep in the car very quickly, and i put her on the couch. doug wasn't at home when i got here. so, i layed her down on the couch b/c i knew that there would be another episode. i was exhausted from all of the activity/work that had been going on. i fed rae, she fell asleep and then i fell asleep on the couch. doug came in, and i didn't notice that he had put both of the girls in the bed. big mistake, number one, big mistake number two, b/c he moved ryane from the couch and placed her in the far position of the bed. well, we all know what comes next. mommy is awakened by screaming children sometime after, with puke on rae, and the bed covered b/c ryane was trying to crawl out. MISTAKE. so, ryane was sick that day, i cleaned, and hoped that it would be ok. we got through a few days. and then it was rae's turn. no big stories here, it hasn't been dramatic. it's just been a long and drawn out process lasting two days instead of one. doug is feeling it today and has been chilling on the couch. i wiped down the tables in the library on friday with sanitizer wipes...i'm just OCD about germs

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